The uninvested cash, up to $250,000, is the only portion of your account insured by the FDIC.

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Required Minimum Distributions for 2023

Privately Offered Investments IRAs

Investments that are as unique as you.

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Privately Offered Investments


Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations allow certain privately offered investments to be held in self-directed IRAs. Closely held stocks and LLCs (Limited Liability Companies) are examples of privately offered investments you may be able to hold in your GoldStar Self-Directed IRA. As long as a market value is readily available from an approved valuation agent, your GoldStar Self-Directed IRA can hold any number of privately offered investments in a tax-free or tax-deferred account.


Prohibited transactions

Specific guidelines govern the types of transactions allowed within retirement plans. The IRS specifically prohibits “self-dealing,” whereby transactions are prohibited if investments, in any way, currently benefit the account holder, close family members and a few other persons or entities who are defined as “disqualified persons.” If you have any questions regarding prohibited transactions, please speak with your financial advisor. GoldStar Trust reserves the right of final determination concerning which IRA LLC or closely held assets we will accept within an IRA.


Why GoldStar Trust?

Holding privately offered investments in an IRA presents unique challenges. You’ll need an IRA custodian with the specialized knowledge to handle all the behind-the-scenes details. GoldStar Trust Company is one of America’s leading custodians for Self-Directed IRAs specializing in privately offered investments. Our depth of experience and proven expertise can simplify the process of owning these assets as part of your retirement.

For more information, or to open your GoldStar Self-Directed Privately Offered Investments IRA, contact us at 800-486-6888 today.

Ready to Start Investing?

Download our Privately Offered Investment Kit that includes all of the forms you will need, brief instructions on how to get started and a checklist for new accounts.

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